This drawing looks sad because it is meant to be so. My world on fire, literal fire eating all that is around. The reason for this fire is a complete coincidence; anger. Anger sparked this miserable incident because it reached the limit and went a little bit beyond it. Actually, it is not the usual anger that I am talking about, it's the inner anger. The inner anger could tear worlds apart and leave one stranded and misunderstood, therefore I would like to take this opportunity to talk about my experience with inner anger. It starts as a feeling of unease and then slowly grows to a number of feelings until too many feelings collide and cause a spark to be lit. The spark is not put off immediately so it goes on to invade other inner areas of one's psyche. Those areas are the world that is shown in the drawing. The flower in the girl's hand is the light of hope, and it too is falling apart due to the severe circumstances going on. However, loyalty comes in and saves it all. The dog who is drawn to the girl to help her is one strong evidence that loyalty comes undilutedly important. Loyalty to one's values and principles.
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