In this drawing, the girl here is summoning her innermost powers and strength. And she's watering the flower with her tears. This shows that tears are helpful and useful. She's also holding the candle of hope and prosperity. Yes, part of her strength are actually her precious tears. Well, in order to understand how they come to be really precious, one has to know the importance of shedding tears. Tears are a great and healthy way to release all the stress and pressure that encounter us. In addition to that, tears are one of the best ways to correlate with emotions, thoughts and feelings that the person comes to adjust all-together. This combination of nicely weaved emotions, feelings and thoughts can be interpreted by the way tears come to flow. One can also comprehend that there are many types of tears, some of which are: Tears of joy. Tears of sorrow . Tears of sadness. Bitter tears. Tears of bliss. And Tears of love
Precious Tears
Updated: Dec 1, 2022