My heart goes out to all those who were wrongfully treated, persecuted, or killed. The girl here is pulling her tears from the bottom of her flowery heart. She does not have to do all of this, she can simply ignore. But she chooses her fate, a flowery angel. Which means a flawless angel who constantly feels, like the tenderness of flowers, leaves and petals. The main issue that usually arises in such situations with this angel, is the tiredness caused by the extreme sensitivity. Sensitivity is of course a good trait, and the higher it gets, the better and better things reach. The way she deals with it all is by combining logic and emotion. For logic and emotion complete one another and create the best Feelings and thoughts. She ten embraces the conviction that tiredness is only temporary, very temporary. And not forgetting the beloved heavenly treasures that develop during the process. The flower this girl is holding expresses the status of her heart, a gloomy flower. A voice kicks inside her head: why hold this useless flower, throw it away! Another voice comes in: No, this flower isn't useless, only for stony hearts and minds. Beware of deceitful whispers.
My heart goes out to them all
Updated: Oct 31, 2023